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CHASEN THAJNI: THE HOUSE OF ALL is a cultural space independent community, built collaboratively by members of the Ngiba population of Santa Inés Ahuatempan, in the Mixteca Poblana of Mexico.
THE HOUSE OF ALL is made from endemic materials and techniques typical of the traditional "constructions". The "architectural" form maintains its referents with palm houses (Ncha gashama) from the region, but through the experimentation "we elaborate-a new reading of our own original construction".

CHASEN THAJNI works like mobile architecture, and is temporarily installed (as length of a year) in the center of the community, to offer various artistic and cultural activities around language and Ngiba tradition. These activities are directed, especially, to community, and managed by it, but open to general public.
To achieve multiple exchanges of knowledge CHASEN THAJNI also has several guests and external collaborators.
We work directly with external actors, to whom we offer two types of stays: short and long, both by direct invitation.
In the artistic residence "Chasen Thajní", Lenka Holíková develops a series of drawings, actions and sculptural objects that make up his most recent production entitled: "ITYX, XYTI, TYXI, YXIT, IYTX, YITX, IYXT, YITX".
For this series; Lenka is inspired by the borders of the former Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic), these borders –like many others-they were built with meshes, barbed wire, and wooden posts: Holíková, read these elements in their textual dimension: as if it were a writing, the artist extracts signs, symbols and typographies, which it then reinterprets as four specific letters: "Y", "T", "X" and "I".
With these letters Holíková creates a "totalitarian alphabet", which is acquiring different configurations. In addition to his personal production, Holíková performs a series of illustrations for our "Ngiba language community workshop", these illustrations help us to set up an illustrated vocabulary of the Ngiba language. For these illustrations Lenka uses drawing, and its referents are the various elements, objects and things that traditionally found in the community: various utensils, flora, fauna etc.

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